Monday, 31 December 2018


Not the easiest time of year to find many things, but with Graham's local knowledge we were able to maximise our chances of seeing something of interest on most days.
Mostly Fife locations: loch Gelly, Loch Ore, St Andrews, Kingbarns, Kirkcaldy etc. but also did a trip up the A9 to Aviemore (Cairngorms); and also spent an afternoon in Edinburgh (29th)
The golden eagle was seen - albeit distantly - on the return journey from Aviemore (28th).
The sibe chiff was heard and then seen briefly along the coast of Dysart (29th).
And watching two otters feeding together was the non-bird highlight.


smew at Lochore

BT diver
Two surf scoters seen from St Andrews: with a huge raft of c.scoters (1000+), some velvets, long tailed ducks and scaup.

Corn bunting - novelty for me as now seemingly extinct as an island bird.
Aviemore: some snow - but not much for this time of year.

Waxwings: large flocks feeding in Edinburgh (70+ around this park).

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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

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