Tuesday, 13 March 2018


Back on March 2nd, when we had some hard weather, a local couple unwittingly took photographs of a bird frequenting and feeding in their (Brading) garden; both unaware and unsure of what it was. Luckily a picture of it was passed on to a birder and subsequently put on social media where it was ID'd. And the rest is history. 
After dipping yesterday (in crappy weather it has to be said) I got up early on a much brighter morning and - as they say - it showed well. Although looking over their fence (even if they didn't mind) seemed a bit odd and intrusive, we saw it on their apple tree and lawn.  
Excellent bird and record: only the second for the island in so many years. Photo (with a chaffinch).

St Cath's:
As it's spring more or less, I thought i'd give the 'point' a go for the first time since new year's day.
Two smart male black redstart seemingly pitched in along the coast, though soon scared off by a roaming dog and disappeared. Not much else on the deck of note (1st wheatear spotted yesterday).
On the sea (of note - from about 8am - so latish):
Kittiwake 8E
Red-t-diver 3 (2E, 1W landed)

Early 'lonely' days. But soon they will come.


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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...