Thursday, 29 March 2018

St Cath's

Another stab at early spring sea watching off the 'point' today.
And with the southerly winds I was reasonably hopeful - but it ended up being quite 'hard' graft.
Although there was a steady easterly movement and turnover of kittiwakes, com.scoter, rt-divers, and brent; there was precious else to report.
Early days mind. And the winds are forecast to be more SE over the next few days....


Monday, 26 March 2018


St Cath's

2 Sand Martin (in off then N)
8 Wheatear (present, mostly ♂)
Divers (E) and mipits (N) on the move too.
Despite the headwind, the clear skies meant a lot of the mipits were passing over high. Probably 100s on the move.  

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Marsh harrier

Yarmouth yesterday, very distant..

♀ over Rofford
Pintail ♂ + ♀  Brading marsh

Monday, 19 March 2018

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Saturday, 17 March 2018

Iceland Gull

2nd winter off Seaview esplanade today. Very close in. And probably the 'Selsey' bird?
Temp had dropped again and it was snowing.

It's been a good year for Iceland gulls on the IOW. This is probably the sixth one; and the second one I've seen this year.

Thursday, 15 March 2018


Lunchtime, felt spring-like - but for how long?

♂Wheatear - probably my first 'proper' spring migrant of the year


Wednesday, 14 March 2018

St Cath's

Sea watch (SSE) 07:00 - 11:00

Fairly busy but lacking variety some what.
Of note (all east bound) :

14 Eider (Flock of 10 ♂ landed; group of 4 [3♂, 1♀] headed east)
41 Red-t-diver
28 common scoter
4 Sandwich tern

Eider - good island count

Tuesday, 13 March 2018


Back on March 2nd, when we had some hard weather, a local couple unwittingly took photographs of a bird frequenting and feeding in their (Brading) garden; both unaware and unsure of what it was. Luckily a picture of it was passed on to a birder and subsequently put on social media where it was ID'd. And the rest is history. 
After dipping yesterday (in crappy weather it has to be said) I got up early on a much brighter morning and - as they say - it showed well. Although looking over their fence (even if they didn't mind) seemed a bit odd and intrusive, we saw it on their apple tree and lawn.  
Excellent bird and record: only the second for the island in so many years. Photo (with a chaffinch).

St Cath's:
As it's spring more or less, I thought i'd give the 'point' a go for the first time since new year's day.
Two smart male black redstart seemingly pitched in along the coast, though soon scared off by a roaming dog and disappeared. Not much else on the deck of note (1st wheatear spotted yesterday).
On the sea (of note - from about 8am - so latish):
Kittiwake 8E
Red-t-diver 3 (2E, 1W landed)

Early 'lonely' days. But soon they will come.


Friday, 9 March 2018

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Hard weather

Casual obs:

Woodcock (flushed)
Snipe (2 seen from the car flying over the road)
Poss Jack too (Private land)

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...