Monday, 6 November 2017

Headon - bramblings

Another week and another vis mig session on the Warren this morning; with clear blue skies and possibly the first frost of the autumn, it's safe to say British summer has ended. Early doors and there was some movement over head, though it is starting to feel like we're approaching the tail end of autumn migration as things soon petered out.

Finches were the main movers and the highlight was some brambling pitching in not far from my VP and alighting the trees; albeit briefly as they soon moved off in an easterly direction joining or with others - so a possible seven in total and a good island count. Also a black redstart present.

And on the way back after passing through Shalfleet I noticed several raptors circling around together over some farmland; so I pulled up and studied them: a total of 12 buzzards together. It almost felt continental watching such a large group together like that up in the still blue sky - and probably the biggest group I've ever seen together.

Duff shots but gives an impression - brambling


Only managed to fit 7 of the 12 in - common buzzard

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