Monday, 21 August 2017

Headon warren

Back to the Warren VP. Conditions were less than favourable for vis mig when I arrived: murky and misty. But with a forecast suggesting some improvement as the morning progressed, I went for a wander first instead.

The only thing grounded of note was a single yellow wagtail with some cattle - must've been more - so then returned to the warren and soon picked up tree pips going over; again with such variation in their direction it was perhaps difficult to say if they were all different birds and not just ones confused by the conditions. Overall at least twelve observations of tree pipits including one on the deck with mipits (de ja vu - put up and heard to call).

tree pipit record shot? - fluffed it with a manual focus setting inadvertently on
meadow pipit - back to auto focus
one of two present

juv Jay

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