Wednesday 29 March 2017

St Cath's sea watch


St Caths sea watch - W to SW winds - with three other observers. Velvets the highlight, with good numbers of the others.

6.55 - 10.50 : 
720 Common Scoter
8 Velvet Scoter 
95 Gannet
61 Sandwich Tern (plus 15 very distant probables)
44 Brent Goose
31 Auk sp
11 Red-throated Diver
6 Black-throated Diver
2 Diver sp
7 Arctic Skua
11 Kittiwake
3 Little Gull
3 Med Gull

Peacock - St Cath's

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Blyth's Reed Warbler (Ventnor Downs)

Heard another vocal 'acro' this morning ( 26/06 ), along Bonchurch Road (north side of Nansen Hill, Ventnor Downs) at around 08:45am...