Monday, 20 February 2017

Glossy ibis

A glossy had been seen in the area of Thorncross for a week or so. The advice was to park at the end of the lane and walk to that area. So I parked up near a horse paddock and started on my journey to thorncross. However, not long after i started i suddenly put up a load of wood pigeons - but noticed another bird with them - it was the glossy ibis and it was flying off! A few expletives and with an uncertainty of what to do next, i decided on sticking there, which turned out to be a good move, as it duly returned. So i tried out my new smart phone mount for my telescope, but unfortunately the camera wanted to focus on the mesh fencing in front of it more than the ibis...

Muggleton Lane horse paddock. Record shots in poor light so not so 'glossy'.

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Velvet Scoters (Little gull)

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