Tuesday, 6 September 2016

west high down

It was possibly asking a lot to repeat the success of last week, but this morning did have bits and bobs, and in completely different conditions; murky and cloudy compared with last week's blue skies and sunshine, so some stuff was grounded. Not long into my walk I heard a gropper and it showed itself momentarily. Tree pipits were grounded too, about half a dozen; flushed a couple from the deck. Wheatear lined the south fence line in good numbers - plus a whinchat with them.
Probably the most interesting vis mig came in the form of two flocks of grey wagtails; first a flock of 8 followed later on by another 4, all of which headed west. Plus the odd alba wag and a dozen or so yellow wags. Also hearing mipits now in small numbers.

wheater - most numerous grounded migrant

spot fly - one of a handful about, this one out on the Needles headland

whinchat - on the very south side of the headland, the conditions holding it up.

Don't adjust your TV sets.....

Who's a pretty a boy then? This parrot has been present for a couple of weeks or more. Now known locally as 'Squawky'

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