Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Roud IOW

Given the mild winter we've been having, today felt more like what winter should feel like with a frosty start and icy conditions. Headed to a place i've never investigated before and a place where there's a sewage works. (Brading sewage works has altered recently, but it was good at attracting sibe chiffs, water pipits, and firecrest etc).

First thing I came upon whilst walking along the road was a green sandpiper; I must have flushed it from the river, but it came up calling and then I got on it.

When I got to the sewage works quite a few things were flitting about. Goldcrest and chiffchaffs. Then 1 firecrest. 

One chiff looked interesting. Possible sibe? Didn't hear it call so might not hold up on plumage/jizz alone. Complete set of pics here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/139729595@N08/sets/72157663987567145

 (EDIT: General consensus is it is a siberian chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita tristis)

Above pic shows an interesting comparison in one shot: top chiff a typical collybita, with the greyer paler bird below it... 

Looked more grey in different light


Despite being a close and showy firecrest, this was the best shot i got.

Roud looking north

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