Tuesday, 3 November 2015

St Cath's

Headed south again to the coast. Surprisingly not much change in proceedings: vis mig mostly involved finches; 250+ goldfinch; 5 brambling; 40 linnets; 1 siskin; 3 redpoll. Also 20 meadow pipits some of which pitched in. 1 grey wagtail.

Also a bird over the sea was mobbed by a couple of great black backed gulls and moved inland and north. Not a great view but probably a SHORT EARED OWL, which was confirmed by another birder.

Rocken end didn't deliver much other than goldcrests (8 milling about). 2 bullfinch.

The only other bird of interest was a pipit hanging about with 2 mipits and the grey wag along the shoreline rocks. Never got a great photo but it's head markings were quite striking esp. the supercilium. Also its outer tail feathers seemed prominently white, though not seen in flight. Water or maybe a different race of rock pipit?




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