Monday, 24 August 2015

Day off 1

Brading (afternoon)

The morning was foul weather-wise: persistent rain, so stayed in. However later on there was a break and it brightened up (for an hour or so anyway). So headed to brading nr.

Along the embankment f/p to the pools two wheatear gave me hope, closely followed by quite a showy lesser whitethroat with two less showy common whitethroats. I persevered but nothing else of note lurking in the scrub. The pools had risen quite high after the rainfall, so nothing in the way of any notable waders either.

But despite the dearth there I thought i'd carry on and head down laundry lane to the old sea wall; I've had wryneck along there before so it had to be worth a shot. As soon as I got there stuff was flittering about, so again filled me with hope. A quick scan and another lesser whitethroat showed well, plus 3 spotted fc along the fence line, 1 redstart, a few chiffs and ww. Methodically I worked my way along. With cattle nearby it wasn't long before I heard and saw my first yellow wags of the autumn with at least 10. Green sandpiper heard too.

Nice to see some common grounded migrants though and bit more activity as it's been a bit quiet there of late.

imm/1st winter redstart, old sea wall

Slightly overshadowed by a raucous green woodpecker

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