Thursday, 6 February 2025

Velvet Scoters (Little gull)

Short sea watch at SCP this morning (Feb 6th): bright conditions with NE winds: very quiet save two Velvets (east) at 07:55, something (at least) and quite close in/good scope views... 
I then went over to Western Yar where a (2cy) Little Gull was found a couple of days ago: still there favouring the 'scrape' near Mill Copse. Always nice, and at least the second island bird this winter, on the back of the adult found at Atherfield (Ash Hill Farm) last month. 

Little Gull - Feb 6th - Mill Copse scrape

At least one Spoonbill (distant) - as many as five have been seen this winter.

Western Yar

Sunday, 2 February 2025

BN Grebe

Personally, January was some what of a lean month, to say the least...but spring is getting closer...

A Black-necked Grebe was off Ryde Pier with a slav (yesterday/Feb 1st). And DB Brent(s) x300+ along the strandline, though nothing else apparent with them (either PB or Black). A couple of Bearded Tits have been regularly seen at Yarmouth (I haven't been over yet). Otherwise, usual fare it would seem...

WTE flyover - end of Jan

Velvet Scoters (Little gull)

Short sea watch at SCP this morning (Feb 6th): bright conditions with NE winds: very quiet save two Velvets (east) at 07:55, something (at ...