Saturday, 8 March 2025

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor: Black Redstart on March 5th. 

SCP (St Cath's): off the 'point'

March 8th: morning sea watch with George H [06:40-08:50]. Easterlies (ESE). Given it's early March, not too a bad session with a few highlights: an Arctic Skua east (by date early in the season), as well as three Velvet Scoters (with a scoter flock), a mixture of ducks (100+ scoter, Pintail, teal etc). LBB gulls. In off mipits etc. Somewhat paltry compared to Dunge?! but enjoyable all the same.  

March 9th: similar conditions (easterlies): SCP [06:40-09:35] with George (then Ollie): slow going, but some movements eastwards: C.Scoter 26, LBB 10, Shoveler 7E, RTD 12E/2on, Common Gull 13, etc. Mipits in of c60, alba/pied wags including a good candidate for White Wagtail (low and east). My first singing Chiffchaff

Friday, 28 February 2025

End of Feb

Nice spell of weather at the moment. Spring like with cool temps...see what March brings...(A Siskin over Nansen Hill on Feb 27th).

St. Lawrence 

Orchard Bay

Much in song including this firecrest (a ubiquitous species nowadays)

Black-throated thrush found in nearby Hants (I've not been over to see yet) brought back memories of the Whipsnade Zoo individual I did see (and photographed) back in January 2020

Friday, 14 February 2025

Caspian Gull (Sandown)

Feb 14th: Found a 1st winter Caspo today (around midday) at Sandown Canoe Lake (in brisk easterlies), which didn't linger unfortunately: after bathing/preening for a few minutes or so, it departed westwards (NW/inland). Managed a few record shots (phone/scope). A good bird for the island given the lack of recent records - no doubt overlooked.....

Feb 19th: Sea watch (SCP), 07:25-08:55 [S.E winds]: RTD x31 (including 27E) and one Diver sp, Auk spp x93E, a few gulls etc. And after quite a protracted period of easterlies and chilly temps, it's due to become much milder with southerlies, which could encourage the first early spring migrants to arrive.  

Caspo with a 'classic' look - Sandown - Feb 14th

Woodside beach (Solent) - looking east

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Velvet Scoters (Little gull)

Short sea watch at SCP this morning (Feb 6th): bright conditions with NE winds: unsurprisingly quiet save two Velvets (east) at 07:55, something (at least) and quite close in/good scope views... 
I then went over to Western Yar where a (2cy) Little Gull was found a couple of days ago: still there favouring the 'scrape' near Mill Copse. Always nice, and at least the second island LG this winter, on the back of the adult found at Atherfield (Ash Hill Farm) last month. 

Little Gull - Feb 6th - Mill Copse scrape

At least one Spoonbill (distant) - as many as five have been seen this winter.

Western Yar

Back in 2020 - Little Gulls on spring passage (April/south coast)

Sunday, 2 February 2025

BN Grebe

Personally, January was some what of a lean month, to say the least...but spring is getting closer...

A Black-necked Grebe was off Ryde Pier with a slav (yesterday/Feb 1st). And DB Brent(s) x300+ along the strandline, though nothing else apparent with them (either PB or Black). A couple of Bearded Tits have been regularly seen at Yarmouth (I haven't been over yet). Otherwise, usual fare it would seem...

WTE flyover - end of Jan

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Black Redstart (SCP)

Walked from home (Ventnor) to SCP today (Jan 14th): nearly 10 miles there and back - on a pleasant and slightly milder day. I had Black Redstart in mind and sure enough one was near the lighthouse; my first of the year. Some (perhaps) early signs of spring included a butterfly sp on the wing (may have been a peacock?), hazel catkins, snowdrops etc.

Jan 26th: Post Storm Eowyn (quiet) a.m sea-watch at SCP, (SSE/breezy/F6), 08:00-09:25: could only muster 17 RTD, 22 Kitts, 50 Gannets, a few common gulls and fulmars etc...

 Black Red - SCP - Jan 14th

Ravens - six of seven coasting - Whale Chine 21/01

Friday, 10 January 2025

Sea watch (& Purple sand)

Chilly start to the year with temps just above freezing since the beginning of January. 

The winds swung due East today (Jan 10th). A morning sea watch (07:55-09:25) at SCP produced a few bits (light winds/overcast): a single BT Diver (E. at 08:16), 12 RTD, Common Scoter, 169 auk sp (west) etc. 

Later on I came upon a lone Purple Sandpiper near Wheelers Bay - showing well (with Andy). 

Wheelers Bay - Ventnor

Green Sandpiper (record shots) - Bathingbourne Res - Jan 12th

Friday, 3 January 2025

Purple Sands (Ventnor)

Today was another fine sunny and crisp day. Bumped into Andy B along Wheelers Bay who told me he'd seen three Purple Sandpipers further along towards Ventnor Esplanade: after he grabbed his camera from home I tagged along: sure enough we found two near the Esplanade car park. Up to four have been along this stretch of coast since (at least) just before Christmas day; a high count for Ventnor. 

One right below us (Ventnor) - very active (feeding) and seemingly unbothered by the attention - Jan 3rd.

(female) Kingfisher - Bembridge Harbour - 03/01

(1st winter) LBB Gull - Sandown Canoe Lake - 08/01

New Year (WTEs)

New year's day: similar conditions as over the Christmas period: mild, gusty S.W, and some rain. A quiet NYD sea watch at SCP: auk sp, lone DB Brent, eight fulmars, Kittiwakes etc. 

Jan 2nd: a complete change: sunny, cooler temps just above freezing, light Northerly winds. Three White-tailed Eagles circled around right above me, near Atherfield (coastal) Cottages; always a welcome sight and hard to believe it's been six years? since they were first re-introduced. A lone Dunlin with common gulls at the coastal pool - but pretty quiet...

Jan 2nd: soaring Eagles - and nice to see blue skies after a very dull December

 Dunlin - pool near Atherfield Point/Cottages - Jan 2nd

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...