Friday, 3 January 2025

Purple Sands (Ventnor)

Today was another fine sunny and crisp day. Bumped into Andy B along Wheelers Bay who told me he'd seen three Purple Sandpipers further along towards Ventnor Esplanade: after he grabbed his camera from home I tagged along: sure enough we found two near the Esplanade car park. Up to four have been along this stretch of coast since (at least) just before Christmas day; a high count for Ventnor. 

One right below us - very active and seemingly unbothered.

Kingfisher - Bembridge Harbour - 03/01

New Year (WTEs)

New year's day: similar conditions as over the Christmas period: mild, gusty S.W, and some rain. A quiet NYD sea watch at SCP: auk sp, lone DB Brent, eight fulmars, Kittiwakes etc. 

Jan 2nd: a complete change: sunny, cooler temps just above freezing, light Northerly winds. Three White-tailed Eagles circled around right above me, near Atherfield (coastal) Cottages; always a welcome sight and hard to believe it's been six years? since they were first re-introduced. A lone Dunlin with common gulls at the coastal pool - but pretty quiet...

Jan 2nd: soaring Eagles - and nice to see blue skies after a very dull December

 Dunlin - pool near Atherfield Point/Cottages - Jan 2nd

Purple Sands (Ventnor)

Today was another fine sunny and crisp day. Bumped into Andy B along Wheelers Bay who told me he'd seen three Purple Sandpipers further...