Thursday, 21 November 2024

Tail end of things...(Velvet Scoter)

Following a protracted mild period since the summer, conditions suddenly changed with the first frost (Nov 20th) and a light dusting of snow (Nov 21st). However, it looks short-lived (here at least) with a return to milder temps along with stormy weather (Storm Bert) this weekend. Unsurprisingly, the vis-mig has somewhat dropped off - but still worth a punt. 

A morning sea watch at SCP on Sunday Nov 24th: dry, gusty F7-8/SW/SSW: 07:50-0920: a single Velvet Scoter (west) at 08:34 was the highlight. Also: Common Scoter E, Kittiwake 121 (88E/33W), Gannet 36, RTD etc.... 

Crisp morning - November 20th 

1st winter YL Gull - Wheelers Bay - Nov 28th

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Sound recordings (Hume's)

Recent uploads: all of my recordings of the recent (October) Ventnor Hume's warbler calling merged into one track;  and the same with most of the vis-mig autumn (Sept/Oct) Hawfinch recordings.

Flushed a Woodlark on Luccombe Down (Nov 12th). My recent run of Hawfinches seems to have come to an end, as well as generally across the Island; though one was in a Freshwater garden on Nov 14th. A likely flyover Snow Bunt on Nov 9th was a near-miss of sorts; distantly heard only (Luccombe Down/A.M); and the recorder failed to pick it up....

Another Hawfinch - seen and heard over the fields near Luccombe Village - November 5th.

Nice to see the sun again after the recent daily grey and overcast conditions. 

Firecrest - one of two outside my window - a few pairs breed close by and hear/see them almost daily; but always a treat!

Redwing - 'gak' type calls 

Friday, 1 November 2024


November kicked off with more Hawfinches: x3 this morning (Nov 1st) seen and heard together over Ventnor at 07:12 [c18 so far since end of September]. Plus, some reasonable vis-mig atop the downs including an unseen calling Golden Plover

November 4th: another Hawfinch over Ventnor (heard only just after 7am) that involved possibly more than one bird. Also, atop Luccombe Down were two Woodlarks: one heard and seen flying Eastwards at 08:03; followed by another single at 08:45 flushed from the ground and northwards (calling).

November 5th: a single Hawfinch went over Luccombe Farm (fields) NE at 13:36. And a Black Redstart along Leeson Rd (Ventnor) this morning...

November 6th: more Hawfinch (heard only/calls) near Luccombe Copse (east side of downs) at 08:08am. And a Brambling, Redwing etc....

And my first Fieldfares (x2) on Oct 30th:

And numerous Redwings:

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...