Thursday 22 August 2024

Sea watch - Sooty & Balearics

SCP (St Cath's Lighthouse):
Late afternoon/early evening (Aug 22nd), 15:50 - 18:40, blustery SW and drizzly conditions (Storm Lilian).
An intermittently interesting sea-watch at the 'point' with a single Sooty Shearwater (at 18:15) and Balearics x3 singles (West). Also, a few passing Manx and Kittiwakes x11. Etc. 
Otherwise, Tree Pipits have been steadily going over my usual Ventnor Downs site most recent mornings. 

28/08: Luccumbe Down: Tree Pipit x32 over (noteworthy morning count), Yellow Wag x6, Pied Flycatcher x1, Spot FC x3.

Great Green Bush-cricket Tettigonia viridissima - Ventnor (24/08)


Thursday 8 August 2024

Tree Pipits and Pied Fly (etc)

First half of August:

Sunday (Aug 4th) the more productive day so far. First tree pipits went over.
Luccombe Down: Tree Pipit x5 
Gropper (Nansen Hill)
Luccombe Farm area: c30 Willow Warblers (collective total). Spot FC x1.
And heading home via Bonchurch Down there was one Cuckoo on the slopes. 

Saturday 10th, Nansen Hill, AM: my first autumn Pied Fly, Spot FC, WWs c10, Siskin, and a flyover Green Sandpiper (calling/sound recorded); the latter being a site first for me. PM: met Neil atop Luccombe Down - but seemed quieter (breezy westerly). Wheatear, Swifts c20 overhead, hirundines including a few Smartins, etc.

Tuesday 13th, 06:15-08:15, Nansen Hill/Luccombe Down: Tree Pipits x26 (south/sw), Yellow Wags x5 (N/ENE), Green Sandpiper over at 06:26, c15 Willow Warbler, steady trickle of hirundines (mostly swallow), etc. 

My first autumn Pied Flycatcher (record shot) - Nansen Hill - 10/08

Richard's Pipit SCP

A couple days ago (October 15th), George found a Richard's Pipit along the coast and just west of the Lighthouse, which again was seen ...