Sunday 28 July 2024


Some signs of early autumn migration have begun:
Yesterday (27th) on Nansen Hill, two active groppers showed well in a patch of buddleia, along with a Sedge Warbler seen and heard. More gropper-like calls were heard in the vicinity, so there may have been more hidden in the scrub. Willow Warblers were very evident too, working their way through the bushes, with c8 a very conservative count. One wheatear seen further up the slopes (and a Painted Lady). Overhead has been very quiet so far; yet to get a tree pipit even. 

From Nansen Hill looking towards Culver - a calm warm spell of weather - July 27th.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Yellow-legged Gull (4cy & juv)

As it's that time of year, I went looking specifically for a juv YL gull near Sandown Pier this morning, but instead came upon a mature individual, preening and resting. Age-wise, I assume it's a sub adult (4cy) as it appears quite advanced; and P10 appeared to have a mirror - but not an age I'm overly familiar with. [A juvenile Yellow-legged was there on July 24th].
Not much else to mention: a couple of Siskin went over Luccombe (Village) back on 2nd. A Roseate Tern has been seen by other birders off Fort Vic/Solent waters. Sand Martins are starting to move south...

Yellow-legged Gull larus michahellis - Sandown Beach - July 10th

My first juv YL of the year - Sandown beach - 24/07

Juv Black Headed gull

At least nine juv Med Gulls - July 20th - Sandown

Marbled White - melanargia galathea

Ventnor Bay

Richard's Pipit SCP

A couple days ago (October 15th), George found a Richard's Pipit along the coast and just west of the Lighthouse, which again was seen ...