Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Blyth's Reed Warbler (Ventnor Downs)

Heard another vocal 'acro' this morning (26/06), along Bonchurch Road (north side of Nansen Hill, Ventnor Downs) at around 08:45am that immediately sounded very 'Blyth's' like. And the more I listened, the mimicry, scalic fluty-type notes, interwoven: it became very apparent it was one. Sound recorded and shared a vid. Iain Outlaw soon joined me and got to hear it too. Mostly concealed in the downland scrub but I may have seen it briefly perched out in the open. In situ for at least a couple of hours or so (and reported again in the evening). 

30/06: Another singing (common) Reed Warbler near Luccombe Village. At least one pair of Swallows have probably bred in the farm area (often seen overhead). Swifts (c50) over Ventnor. 

Sunday, 23 June 2024

Scarce chaser

Second half of June: fairly quiet since the Greenish. Weather has been nice. Warmer temps. 

Scarce chaser along Gander Down this morning (managed to get a phone pic). Pleasant walk from Yar bridge to Brading Marsh: Sedge and reed warblers, Lesser throat, Skylarks etc in song. One WT Eagle seen in its usual preferred spot/tree. 

 Scarce chaser Libellula fulva (23/06) Gander Down

From Gander Down looking North

Distant WT Eagle

Good showing of Viper's Bugloss - and Lupin? 

Looking west from Ventnor Downs (nr Coombe Bottom)

Monday, 3 June 2024

Greenish Warbler (Luccombe Copse Bonchurch Road) and Marsh Warbler

This morning on my early walk to Luccombe Farm and back, I came upon a Greenish Warbler persistently singing at 08:30am; heard near 'Corner Cottage', entrance to footpath SS7, just off Bonchurch Road [50.612507,-1.188928]. After I put the news out, it stayed around for at least a couple more hours and other birders got to experience it too; and although it was never particularly showy, Mark Buckley managed to get some photos. First time I've found this local scarcity and only the second Island-one I've experienced so far; the last one being at (the relatively nearby) Luccombe, Haddon's Pits a couple of years ago (03/09/21). 

Later on the same day Steve J. found an 'acro' along the Ventnor coast (near Dudley Road Car park and Ventnor Holiday Villas). I popped down to have a listen and met Steve, Mark, & Pete: it sounded very much like a singing 'Marsh' Warbler. But not seen. Capped off an interesting day... 

Vocal Greenish Warbler phylloscopus trochiloides:

Photo of the Greenish by Mark Buckley

Herring Gulls - One of two occupied nests atop this house - Ventnor

Glanville Fritillary - Pyramidal orchid - Holly Blue - H.B hawk-moth

Southern Marsh-orchid

Wall Lizard (Ventnor) and Violet ground beetle

Following a couple of blank years, nice to hear Nightjar(s) this season not far from home - (plus Long-eared Owls seen and heard)

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...