Sunday, 31 December 2023

End of year review

Bird of the year was undoubtedly the European Roller at Brading Marsh, a great find by Paul White on July 8th. Other memorable moments: joining Neil atop Ventnor Downs and seeing a juv Pallid Harrier on September 22nd. A sea watch at SCP with many large shearwaters, both Cory's and Great, seen to pass by on October 13th. Personal highlights: A Night Heron at Bembridge/Brading Marsh on May 17th. Some pretty decent autumn vis mig stuff: added Bearded Tits (Oct 22nd) and Serin (July 21st) to my local Ventnor Downs flyover list. Also: good numbers of Honey Buzzard, Woodlarks, Tree Pipits, and Crossbill, etc. Here's to 2024....

A gusty & mild end to the year: New Year's eve sea watch produced low numbers of Kittiwakes, Fulmar, Gannets etc

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Hooded Crow and RN Grebe

December: back on the 3rd, twitched the Hooded Crow at Cowes high school. Showed quite well.... But the crappy (oft rainy) weather continues - though it is mild again after a brief cold snap.

Ventnor, 14/12: two Velvet Scoter east the sea watch highlight; plus nine RT Divers west.

Bembridge Harbour: the Red-necked Grebe was still present in the harbour (15/12). Off of Spring Vale: GN Diver (x2), plus three distant Diver sp flew off (probably GN too), 1 x Slav, and common scoter (8), on Solent waters. 

Christmas period: given the mild weather being more or less stuck with consistent blustery westerlies: most of my birding time and attention has been given to morning sea watches, from either Ventnor or SCP; it's been reasonably productive:

- Christmas Eve: moving west past Ventnor, Kittiwake 17, Fulmar 10, Gannet 88, Auk sp 54, C.Scoter 1.

- Christmas Day: Ventnor: Black-throated Diver 1, RT diver 4, Kittiwake 54, Fulmar 12, Auk sp 200, Gannet 250.

- Boxing Day (calmer day/no sea watch): Black Redstart (Spring Gardens, Ventnor), and two Blackcaps. 

- 27/12: SCP; SSW (50mph gusts); 0745-1030; Kittiwake 134, Gannet 300, Auk sp 450, c.scoter 5, and a couple of misses, a skua sp and diver sp. 

- 28/12: Ventnor: 07:50-0930: GN Diver 1, RT Diver 26, Fulmar 15, Kittiwake 73, Auk sp 280, Gannet 169. 

RN Grebe in Bembridge Harbour on Dec 15th

Extensively walked this area not long ago...😲

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...