Thursday, 17 August 2023

Honey Buzzard (Ventnor Downs)

A lunchtime visit to the 'downs/Luccombe Down' today produced a Honey Buzzard over at 12:15. I think it came right over me from the south; confusingly two commons were knocking about just prior to the sighting; I was avidly watching one of them (hanging in the air/looked ragged) and I remember clocking a raptor (probably it) flying right over me - the Honey B crossed its line into my field of view and was instantly recognisable, especially in direct comparison with the common buzzard. 

The HB went on to drift east/ENE and away from Luccombe. I was expecting it to come back south but it just kept going. So I put the news out to give any Shanklin to Sandown coastal birders a chance to possibly see it - and sure enough at least one local caught up with it - about 15mins later (12:30) over Sandown - and he photographed it too (appears to be an adult female) - it carried on Northwards towards Brading. 
My earliest one.

Otherwise at Luccombe/Ventnor Downs: Tree pipits have been going over nearly every day (27 west on 15th). Redstarts, spotted flys etc. Pied Flycatcher on Aug 23rd. 

Double-figure Tree Pipit counts: Aug 20th (c24), Aug 22nd(16), Aug 23rd (c25). 

Pete's pics of the female HB which I'd initially seen heading North towards Sandown.

A cracking adult male (Red) Crossbill circled right over me on Aug 21st, calling:

Flock of 11 Tree Pipits (Aug 22nd)

Wasp Spider (Aug 22nd) - never (knowingly) seen one at this south-coast downland site before.

Monday, 7 August 2023

Tree Pipits and Pied fly

The variable weather continues, often breezy from the west, rain/showers at times.  

SCP: a sea watch on 2nd produced a few Balearics and Manxies west (but generally quiet). A Cory's was seen in the morning (Gary H). [Slightly onshore WSW with strong gusts, drizzle, variable visibility]. 

Luccombe Down: first autumn Tree Pipit on 3rd; small numbers have followed since, often up high when the skies have been clear; five on 8th and seven over on 10th. Numerous Willow Warblers most days. Whinchat on 6th (a Bee-eater was reported the same day). Another Pied Flycatcher today (7th). Hummingbird hawk-moth (x2) on 9th; one on Luccombe Down and one outside my window.

A Jersey Tiger on the Buddleia today (Aug 9th) - was joined by a Hummingbird hawk-moth (also Red Admirals, Whites, and bees/hoverfly spp)

Most mornings Tree Pipits are heard going over - nowhere near the numbers my brother gets at his Ferry Hills site (Fife, Scotland) - see his August Trektellen counts - but always great to catch a few heading southwards over the island.

Photo from last year when I last visited - a site near the Forth Bridge

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...