Wednesday, 17 May 2023

NIGHT HERON - Bembridge Ponds

Walked the footpath to Bembridge Ponds from St Helens Bridge and heard a Black-crowned Night Heron, really vocal, initially distant, then flew (practically) right over me at dusk (21:30), sound recorded. Also, a Bittern 'booming', several Reed Warblers in song, and a hobby hawking just south of the road bridge. Vis mig Spotted FC on 22nd (Bonchurch Down) and Wood Sandpiper (Laundry Lane) on 23rd. 

There's been a recent national influx of these into Britain, probably due to the drought conditions on the continent.  

Night Heron sonogram - Appears to show a kink - which is diagnostic for this species (referencing The Sound Approach team's website)

2020 sound recorded Night Heron for comparison:

Recent pics:
It's been a good spring for Wood sands at Brading, Laundry Lane. On occasions, been up to four in the 'triangle field'.

Ventnor from Coombe Bottom (day) and Bonchurch Down (dusk)

Thursday, 4 May 2023

Poms - SCP (YB Kite)

Evening sea watch at St. Cath's, 15:30 - 18:45, started alone, then joined by Mark B (and then ABr and a visitor). Winds had veered more southwards by mid afternoon. Broken sunshine/odd shower.  

Two Pomarine Skuas east the highlight - I guess today's south coast bigger numbers either went through the Solent or followed a different line (east Sussex had 50 odd), as can often be the case. Also, four Arctic Skuas, four Manxies, brent, and kittiwakes etc. Soon petered out around 6pm though. 

First Swifts over Ventnor this week. 

Painted Lady (Luccombe) on 7th. 

Misty day. Looking north from Nansen Hill. With Luccombe Chine in the centre and looking in the direction of Haddon's Pits (out of view over the crest of hill, left of centre). Mark had a Golden Oriole at HP on the 7th. I walked there and back - the habitat looking so great - the coastal manicured gardens could (and probably do) entice hoopoes etc..But as is generally the case with the island, with so much to cover, it's a challenging task. 

A Yellow-billed Kite was discovered at Lynnbottom Tip (landfill site) on May 11th. Suspected to be an escape (with a question mark), though hasn't been claimed as such - locally at least (Robin Hill etc). Created both local and national interest. [It was seen and photographed in Cornwall after it left the island]. 

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...