Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Vis mig (Swifts)

Vis mig on the 25th (breezy SW and showers) at Luccombe Down included some steady overhead passage; six each of Brambling and Reed Bunting, nine L.Redpoll, 30 Siskin, 200 each of Linnet and Goldfinch, and a Yellowhammer. Other news: Mark Buckley had a swift sp at Haddon's Pits on 24th and likely a 'Pallid'; with another seen at Appley Beach on 25th


End of October, 31st, Luccombe Down (7am-10:45am), cloudy, breezy SE winds, 15c:

Brambling 6, Reed bunt 7, Siskin 27, L. Redpoll 8, Greenfinch 5, Swallow 13, House Martin 2, Stock Dove 45, Starling 95, Rock Pipit. 

Thursday, 20 October 2022


Oct 20th: fieldfare and redwing over; also ring ouzel and song thrush seen; and a late Tree Pipit; Luccombe Down, afternoon.

Other local news: Snow bunting has been at Culver (Down/headland) for four days. White Storks (two to three ringed Knepp birds) have been seen in Various spots (Horringford, Merstone; originally Brighstone). 

Friday, 14 October 2022

More Woodlark(s)

Luccombe Down (07:00 - 0930), cloudy, SW. 

Woodlark: Two to three flyover(s), first one at 08:30 and second at 09:15; the latter bird was fairly low down and stalled mid-air, giving great views as well as calling constantly! It probably landed as on the way back to the car I heard and saw one near the car park as it flew off low and west. Another Brambling and Lesser Redpoll, and plenty of siskin (mostly SW), Linnet, and Goldfinch. 


Thursday, 13 October 2022

Vis Mig (Sunrise)

The mornings are probably the best time, visually and aurally. 

My second Woodlark of the autumn flew over on the 12th. Plus, good numbers of siskins...A late-ish Tree Pipit on 6th pricked up my ears. 

Angle Shades (I believe) phlogophora meticulosa

Monday, 3 October 2022

Vis mig (Woodlark)

Luccombe (Ventnor) Down:
7am - 10:50am
SE winds/Cloudy.

South easterlies seem to be ideal for this part of the island with birds moving on a broad front over the downs. The highlight was a calling (flyover) Woodlark, always a nice vis mig bird. Also, a decent movement and variety of species. Totals included (eastward movements): 1,500 Mipits, 59 Skylark, 78 Siskin, 117 Pied/alba wagtails; plus, a couple of Brambling and Reed Buntings; masses of hirundines. 

Sound of early autumn, mipits and Brambling. And a Video snippet:

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...