Friday, 28 August 2020

Honey Buzzard Ventnor Downs

 Distant - but jizz and flight action gave it away - (probably an adult female) Honey Buzzard over Bonchurch @08:55 [2020-08-28]. Of late, good numbers of tree pipits going over Ventnor; plus a decent variety on the downs on calmer days. 

Juvenile common buzzard (01-09-20)

And good to see the official 2017 bird report land on the doormat; front cover showcasing Andy's fine photo of the Eastern Subalpine Warbler.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Flycatchers NFCs

Recently the recorder picked up continuous calls (in every segment) over Ventnor, between 10pm - 2:15am - some identifiable to pied flycatcher. Interestingly, it mirrored recent sessions at Portland and other coastal sites. 

Needs further analysis - but potentially 100s of calls recorded over a four hour period. 
The rain swept in just after the movements. 

Juvenile buzzard - one of two on the wing - Bonchurch

WT Eagle news (second release):

Thursday, 6 August 2020

Aug - YL Gull

Fairly quiet of late save a few more Tree pipits (three/south) over Bonchurch Down on the 4th. One Jersey Tiger on the buddleia and another on the wing. And the warm sunny weather is set to continue (25 - 27°).
About time there was another island one - but as records nationally have dropped off in recent times, they are harder to come by. 

Saturday, 1 August 2020

LBB (July juvs) Med (poss Dotterel August)

Probable, heard calling over Bonchurch Down nr Ventnor. Two separate tracks (WHD & Bonchurch Down) merged for comparison. Sonograms match (bird not seen).
Also today: my first whinchat (Luccombe Down) and yellow wagtail (Bonchurch Down). Painted Lady on the wing at Spring Hill.

Yesterday's (again 'fresh-looking') LBB juvs at Ryde

White 34K6: thanks to Mark and Renaud I've since found out this Med gull was ringed back in 2007 (May 17th) at Noordelijk Insteekdok, Flanders, Belgium; and this was only its fourth ever reported sighting. Seen shortly after at Weymouth on July 17th. 

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...