Friday, 27 March 2020

March - lockdown

Before 'lockdown' was enforced, the odd (self isolated) sea watch was productive, especially on days with South Easterly winds. At St.Cath's, the lads topped off their session with a serin and a puffin. The day after, I was fortunate to see an Arctic skua & Little Gulls (13) go by East - plus a long-ish list (Scoter etc.).

Locally: two Crossbills over Bonchurch were notable on the 26th; however, other local birders closer to the coastline have seen many more coasting by (total of nine on one date).   
A Red kite drifted over on the 26th & 27th.

House : on the island I usually see at least one annually - but during the spring many more are seen these days. 

Sunday, 22 March 2020


Rocken End: Quiet AM.
First Barwit. Four willow/chiffs over the sea and in off.

Tracked it from way south - in off carrion crow.

Saturday, 21 March 2020


A few Wheatears on the 19th (SCP). Plus a fall of Chiffs (50) and Steve had another 25 or so (75+).
Brambling West over Castlehaven. A few goldcrest.

This morning I gave the sea some time (SCP): Quiet save a pair of Shoveler with seven c.scoters [E], Grey plover [4E], alba.wag over, three Oyestercatchers [E].
Strong Easterlies have kicked in.

At least five around the Lighthouse. 

Monday, 16 March 2020


More like it.

Island wide reports of: wheatears, chiffs, Kites, LRPs, firecrests, swallows, mipits etc....

So far I've only really experienced the chiff & mipit arrival - obvious today (16th) along Bonchurch Down. 

The alternative to dueling banjos; dueling crests:

Sunday, 8 March 2020


Not much noted in the first week of March: the sea still hasn't provided much yet; a Porpoise was off St Cath's on the 4th and was nice to see. And a briefly settled White Wagtail was West of Whale Chine on the 6th - the same day the first wheatear was seen at West High Down. Mipits have steadily been incoming. The odd chiff...

 Just nice to see some sunshine for a change (Watershoot Bay).

Quite a few Stonechat at SCP (E. fields).

Distant white wagtail - Whale Chine.

Andy Butler had this HB hawkmoth in his garden.

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...