Friday, 27 September 2019
Sea watch
The strong westerlies (WSW/F6-7) continue to pummel the south coastline. A morning sea watch from La Falaise was interesting enough with quite a few balearics passing by: at least eight, plus another three distant shearwater sp that were more than likely of the same ilk. A few auks and terns too; and mipits were over the sea trickling through, plus a few hirundines etc.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Sooty shearwater
Sea watch from La Falaise (Ventnor) 7am - 9:15am: strong southerlies [F6-7] and rain. Very quiet up until one sooty went by west.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Sky high spoonbills
Just after 9:30 two came over Ventnor Downs at extreme height. And both were headed on a southward line and moving at some rate - no doubt aided by the tail winds. [Clear skies/ENE/breezy F4].
Saturday, 14 September 2019
Honey Buzzard
This morning (14th@8:45) a HB (looked like an intermediate-type juv with a dark-ish mask and white in the breast etc) flew along Bonchurch Down and circled over Nansen Hill before leaving our coast line to cross the channel (over Monks Bay). Somewhat unprepared - with the camera in my rucksack - but still managed to get some record shots in the dimmest of light as it got ready to leave. And surprisingly, despite staking out the 'raptor' mound for most of the morning, nothing else of that quality followed. [Conditions: Easterlies/F3/Overcast then bright later on]

Friday, 13 September 2019
Trying to find
the sweet spot...
Certainly with a Northerly wind it's as good a place as any - this morning it was pushing birds low over Bonchurch and at eye-level.... The south facing fence line has much potential too.
Certainly with a Northerly wind it's as good a place as any - this morning it was pushing birds low over Bonchurch and at eye-level.... The south facing fence line has much potential too.

Crude map

Another hobby - I like to think there's a turnover of these.
This one came in from the west on the same line as the passerines.
Saturday, 7 September 2019
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Monday, 2 September 2019
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SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)
Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th. SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...

My 1st juv Yellow-legged Gull at Sandown Beach (North of the pier/typical spot for them) on July 15th and 17th.. probably my earliest by ...
Post a fairly staid sea watch at ' St Cath's ' (early doors with Mark B and Gary H til 09:45), just after I packed up around 10:...
Yesterday (Saturday Oct 26th) Steve Jones put out news of a Yellow-browed Warbler and a possible Hume's Warbler , both along Bath Road ...