Friday, 30 August 2019


Osprey - Aug 23rd

Ferryhills: memorable session on the 24th; much variety and intense; included arctic terns on the move.

Great to meet Clive who did some ringing on the 26th and specifically targeted the tree pips at FH - ©Graham Sparshott


Had a few days in Scotland (22nd-27th); plus a couple of days travelling either side of; with a couple of stops en route: Frampton marshes on the way up/and Blacktoft Sands and the New Forest on the return leg.

Frampton: spot the Long-billed dowitcher. And garganey/avocet. 

Scotland: viewpoint looking over the M90.

Scotland: Ferryhills; spent some time with the brother grilling his vis-mig site: 100's of tree pipits pass through in August. 

Friday, 16 August 2019

Mid August

A week of blustery westerlies seems to have stalled proceedings.
A couple of little gulls off Ventnor the other day. First tree pipits went over Luccombe (13th). Painted lady (10+) along Bonchurch down (today).

Thursday, 8 August 2019

On the 10th: WSW gale force: a few of us gathered for a sea watch - but not much happened other than a few passing manx

Sunday, 4 August 2019


A few PL's around, but nothing like the recent northern invasion.


In the field this restless warbler threw me a bit - but on reflection I think it's a juv chiffchaff.

Very short vid of the cuckoo (still there on the 5th)

Thursday, 1 August 2019


Recent stuff:

July 28th: Bonchurch/Luccombe: Willow warbler [30+], Gropper, Wheatear..

July 30th: SCP: morning sea watch with Gary; strong southerly winds (F6): only four manx went by. Given that to the west of us the volume of shearwaters hasn't materialised, it wasn't that surprising. The wader action was more interesting highlighted by four blackwits. Another YL gull noted too. And a constant stream of gannets (300 east) that was still going when we packed up and left.

August 1st: SCP/Knowles Farm: the last date I noted a cuckoo there was July 17th; so I was surprised to see (presumably) the same youngster still lingering: at its usual spot before bombing off towards the slopes. Otherwise: a sedge warbler was near Watershoot Bay; a flyover grey wag; a few WWs; and a garden warbler.

SCP (Skua, Velvets etc)

Wheelers Bay Ventnor : Black Redstart on March 5th.  SCP (St Cath's) : off the 'point' March 8th: morning sea watch with George...