Tuesday, 23 October 2018


A yellow-browed warbler was along the 'old Blackgang road.' Watched it with a couple of other local birders Andy & Pete - but it wasn't at all vocal or showy. And at least one firecrest nearby too.

Monday, 8 October 2018

LAPLAND bunting

Luccombe down: Found yesterday/still present today; very obliging in the car park. Aside from the confiding obvious: a black redstart pitched in nearby. First redpoll over (for me). Good finch movement in general. Flyovers:13 crossbill and 3 ring ouzel were great to see and hear.



I haven't sound recorded much for a while. And though the bunting rarely showed any signs of being perturbed by, well. anything really - including numerous unleashed dogs - it did fly up for a time and called frequently right over us; but with so much talking going on I never got a recording of it.
My attempt at the crossbills wasn't much better but at least I picked them up.

Velvet Scoters (Little gull)

Short sea watch at SCP this morning (Feb 6th): bright conditions with NE winds: very quiet save two Velvets (east) at 07:55, something (at ...